SPL Pyrotechnische Einweisung

What ist the SPL Pyrotechnische Einweisung?

Modern, aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft are equipped with a so-called "rescue device" for extreme emergencies (e.g., collision with another aircraft in the air or technical malfunctions that make further flight or emergency landing impossible). This device essentially consists of a parachute attached to the structural framework of the aircraft and a rocket. In case of need, pulling a trigger mechanism activates a special breaking point in the roof of the aircraft, causing the rocket to launch and deploy the parachute. The aircraft (or what remains of it after a potential collision) then descends slowly and safely to the ground along with the crew. The "touchdown" is likely to be even gentler than your initial landing attempts at the beginning of your practical training.

Why should I prep for the SPL Pyrotechnische Einweisung?

As the propellant in the rocket constitutes explosives in the legal sense, you require appropriate authorization to possess and carry pyrotechnic materials. By undergoing suitable training, including theoretical examination, you can obtain the necessary authorization. Prepare for the Pyrotechnic Training with our examination questions.


7,00 € / per month
This product will be available soon.
79,00 € / per year
This product will be available soon.

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